Thursday, October 9, 2008
Long overdue....
Thursday, July 17, 2008
No more land line
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Sequoia National Park
Sunday was our first full day in the park. We packed up camp early, and enjoyed a beautiful, slow, and twisty drive up the mountains. Nearly 2 hours later, we reached our first destination: Crystal Cave. Out of the miles of caves that are located within the park, Crystal Cave is the only one open to the public. We took a tour of the cave, which was quite interesting considering that the park generators were down for the day. So, we got a bit of a unique ,unlighted tour and got to do our cave exploring with flashlights!
After leaving the caves, we continued up another few thousand feet and finally saw our first sequoia grove. It was amazing! Seeing these enormous trees in person was quite an experience, and not one that we will soon forget.
The second night, we found an awesome campsite tucked away between some huge boulders and a pine grove. We got a nice fire going, and decided to experiment with some foil dinners. Dinner didn't exactly turn out how we planned, a little on the cajun side albeit edible, but the s'mores later on more than made up for it. =)
On day three, we took our time and enjoyed a great breakfast. Once everything was packed up, we were on the road again, and stopped at a few more sequoia groves to admire these majestic giants. We also made a little detour to hike up Moro Rock. Moro rock is an ancient volcanic dome which has a staircase cut into the side of it. After a healthy hike up approximately 400 stairs, you were rewarded with a fantastic 360 degree view. To the north an west were mountains that make up the continental divide, to the south was a breathtaking view of the valley, and to the west were more pine and sequoia groves.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Space 100

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Assignment Drop!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Central Coast Adventure Challenge
Before the race each team was given a topo map of the area, which you can see below. The hiking and biking sections were outlined on the map, but the kayaking portion was yet to be defined. Along with the map, we also received a "passport," which we had to punch at various checkpoints along the race. We then got all of our gear ready, staged our bikes in the transition area, packed up and got ready to run!
1st Leg: Kayaking
Overall, this was probably our strongest event. The start of the race began with a 100 yard dash to the launch ramp, where all of the teams scrambled to mount their 2-man kayaks without ending upside down (we did quite well at this, but not everyone was so successful). The first task was to paddle to a check point about a mile away. Here they had a map posted, with 5 additional locations spread around the lake. It was our job to collect 3 of the 5 check points, punch our passports, and head back to the launch ramp. We devised our strategy, figured out which of the 3 check points we were going to collect, and were off. We fell into a pretty good cadence early on, and even passed a few teams as we paddled along the lake. After collecting CP's 1, 4, and 3 we raced back to the transition area to grab our bikes.
The mountain biking was probably our most challenging section, considering that Jessie had never really mountain biked before! It was easily the most hardcore mountain bike course that I had ever ridden (which I thought was awesome), but it was not the ideal way to start out for someone who was new to the sport. The fear of dying as we careened down the mountain aside, Jessie did really well throughout the entire course and we even held our position for quite some time. Until, that is, Mr. Murphy struck. At around mile 6, we heard the dreaded "pssssssstttt" that every biker fears. We moved off the course to asses the situation and found that not only did Jessie have a flat front tire, but also a 2-inch long gash in the sidewall . It's a good thing that Boy Scouts taught me to always Be Prepared, so I fished out a fresh inner tube and a roll of electrical tape from my pack. We performed a little trail-repair magic, and were good to go! And after two more miles of limping along with a band-aided tire and no front brakes, we finally made it through the second leg.....but lost quite a few positions while we were at it.
Tire = 0, Big Pokey Rock = 1
3rd Leg: Trekking
Monday, May 5, 2008
Overdue update
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Planet Isuzoo
Friday, March 28, 2008
See you soon!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Always an Adventure
I sure am thankful my wife loves me............=)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
And the most exciting news as of late, if you haven't heard already, is that we will be coming home to visit soon! Jessie and I booked some tickets from April 8-16, so if you are free that week let us know. We'd love to visit with as many of you as we can while we're in town for the week. See you soon!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
All Wet
The weather has been great, and I've had the past two weekends off, so I finally have been getting some work done on the Rodeo. This will be our only vehicle once we turn in the Saturn, so I want to make sure that it'll be running like a top until we have to move again. I finally got down to the valve train today, and am going to start rebuilding the top end of the motor. Hopefully I can get it all back together over the next few weeks!
And the best news yet, is that Jessie will be home in less than a week! Needless to say, she is very ready to come home, and I have missed her dearly. It's been a long six weeks, but it's nearly over. =)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
7 months later....
Man, it's hard to believe that we've been in
I got my passport stolen last week, which was pretty exciting. I was going through the process of obtaining a visa, because my employer wants to send me to
The weather has finally let up a bit here, which has been nice. The past three weeks of constant rain, flooding, and mudslides were starting to get a bit old. If you've been watching the news, you'll know that
That's all for now....!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain
Monday, January 21, 2008
That doesn't happen every day.....
All ended well though, and I suppose it could have turned out much much worse. She didn't have so much as a scratch, although her Suburban was a little worse for the wear. All I have to say is that Someone was looking out for her today..............
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Welcome to 2008!
The turn of the year saw Jessie being sent off to ASBC training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. She will be there for five more long weeks, learning whatever it is new lieutenants in the Air Force learn. Jessie was selected as the leader of her Flight (about 14 people), and is already enjoying long hours of studying in her room everyday. When they're not studying, they are running! So, if you have a few moments of free time, give her a call....I am sure she would love to hear from all of you. For the mean time I am all by myself, but keeping occupied nonetheless. I have lots of little projects around the house, not to mention fixing up the Rodeo a bit. Also, my job is really taking off, and I have been working a lot of overtime lately. It's not too bad though, as I am starting to find my niche at C&D and am really starting to enjoy what I am doing. It looks like they will be sending me to Brazil sometime in the near future to work with our customer Embraer. We haven't worked out all the detail yet, so more on that later....
It's January and our garden is alive and well (sorry to all of you who are suffering through the Ohio snow)! We've already harvested some zucchini, and we have some broccoli and carrots that are about ready to eat as well. Our orange tree is blossoming too, although I think that it is a bit confused since it's not really supposed to do that until the spring.
We finally found our answer to the awful California-stale bread in the supermarkets. A few weeks ago we discovered a little local bakery after church called the House of Bread. They make dozens of types of fresh bread every day, and they are quite delicious. And since the crappy bread is $3-4 a loaf anyway, paying for bakery bread isn't really any more expensive! It's our new favorite place. =)
On a more serious note....
For those of you who are they praying type, please include Jessie's uncle Jim and his family in your prayers. Jim was hospitalized last week suffering a near-total memory loss. He has made some improvements, but doctors are still unsure of what has caused this strange occurrence. Please pray for Jim and his family, as I am sure they will need all the help they can get in the coming days.
Well, I believe that is all for now. I hope that 2008 has found you happy and healthy, and that it will bring much to look forward to for you all. Until next time.....