Californian's love their lawns. Now don't get me wrong, I know that you Ohioans spend plenty of time and money trying to keep up with the Jones', but out here it's a bit different. Back east, if you put something green in the ground, it grows. Pretty simple. Sure you might fertilize, trim, water occasionally and weed too keep it pretty......but if it doesn't rain for two months, and
everyone's lawn turns brown and dies it's no big deal, right? That's Mother Nature, and now you have less to mow.
Well.....not out here.
They say that in California everything grows. Well they are right, but what they didn't tell you is that you have to water it.
Constantly. And oh how people do love to water. Everyday they water their lawns......and their driveway, the left side of the house, the neighbor's dog, the sidewalk, and half of the street. And the Lord forbid you forget to water for a week, or else your grass will shrivel up and die like a freshly-salted slug. I find it rather humorous, because the news constantly speaks of what a water crisis the West is in. Reserves are low, Lake Mead is down nearly 100 feet, etc, etc. BUT, people have green grass and are therefore happy. So, now that I have grown quite accustomed to this little ritual, I'd have to say that I am rather enjoying it. It's been a fun little challenge trying to keep on top of things and making our yard look a little better. And just when I thought that I was starting to get a hang on things, I get thrown a curve ball:

These little guys are a royal pain in the ass. Unlike their eastern tree-dwelling brethren, these little guys like to dig holes. Lots of them. In my lawn. And each new hole is always accompanied by a nice big pile of dirt, and it tends to kill my grass. Kind of like this:
Needless to say, after spending so much time trying to keep our lawn alive, I was not too happy about our new visitors. So, I decided to do what anyone would in my situation.......teach squirrels how to swim. =) The little buggers have proven to be pretty
resilient, and so far the score is Me: 1, Squirrels: 4. Perhaps we'll have to resort to more drastic measures.